CKS 2017 / Fees
The fee for participating in the 11th Edition of the “Challenges of the Knowledge Society” International Conference is Euro 100/for the publication of a paper (or the equivalent in RON calculated according to the currency rate). Each author can submit no more than two papers.
The conference fee covers:
- the publication of the paper in CKS 2017 Journal;
- a Conference Bag: Conference Documents (the Conference Program, CKS 2017 Journal), other promotional accessories;
- coffee breaks;
- CKS 2017 certificate of attendance.
Each author may participate in the CKS Conference with maximum two papers. Participation with one paper is charged Euro 100, while participation with two papers is charged Euro 200.
Additional costs, as indicated in the online subscription form, include:
- lunch: EURO 20 (or the equivalent in RON according to the rate of exchange). Lunch can be served at Salt and Pepper Restaurant, which is located in the neighborhood of Nicolae Titulescu University (
- EURO 30 – dinner.
- The participation fee must be paid only if the paper is accepted for publication;
- The notification for paper acceptance is scheduled for 15th April 2017;
- The fee must be paid between 18th - 30th April 2017;
- The payment order must include the following details: it represents the tax for CKS 2017 and it is paid by Mr/Ms/Mrs: mention the name and surname of the author(s)/co-author(s).
Identification data of the beneficiary:
Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest
Address: Calea Vacaresti, no.185, sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania
Fiscal code: 14770190
Cod IBAN LEI: RO51CECEB31630RON2811528
ACCOUNTS OPENED AT CEC -Agentia Timpuri Noi;
The bank address: Bd. Mircea Voda, no. 46-48, bl.M21, tronson 1, sector 3, Bucuresti;
For any enquiries, please write to us on:
Article processing charges/Article submission charges
To publish one article in CKS, the author has to pay Euro 100 for one article.
This fee covers: the processing and the submission charges, as well as the conference bag and the coffee break.
The publication of the approved articles in CKS does NOT depend on the author(s)'s participation in the conference.